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We train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm and organise a group social run in Epping Forest every Sunday at 9am. In summer we make use of local trails and footpaths as well as our grass track. In winter our Thursday sessions move indoors and focus on running-related strength and conditioning. 


We have a flourishing Under-12 children’s section which meets on Tuesday evenings at the Roding Valley grass track in summer and uses the all-weather surface by the Roding Valley tennis courts in winter. Young athletes over the age of 12 train on the track in summer and on the road (supervised in small groups) in winter.

Track training.jpg

Tuesday training (7pm – 8pm)


Varied sessions on local trails and paths to suit different paced groups. We make full use of our location within easy running distance of Roding Valley Nature Reserve, Chigwell Meadows and Epping Forest.


Typically each session incorporates some interval or hill training to help build your fitness.


U18s and U12s

Age-appropriate athletics sessions on our grass track. Activities for the younger age-group are focussed on games and fun athletics activities while older age groups progress to interval and other training which helps progress their development as athletes.


Some evenings are set aside for club championship nights when all ages get together to race over distances from 100m up to 1500m.

Thursday training (7pm – 8pm)

Adults and 12+

Thursday night is track night! After warm-up and drills to improve mobility and running technique we usually run some form of interval session. These can include:


  • Short intervals

  • Long intervals

  • Pyramid sessions

  • Inverse pyramids

  • Paarlaufs

  • Shuttle relays

  • Continuous running, alternating hard efforts with jog recoveries


Our members tell us they work harder as part of a group than they would if they trained on their own.


Sessions are adjusted to take account of age and runners’ aspirations.


Every session ends with a cool-down and stretches.

Meet at the grass track (Adults and 12+)


On Saturdays many members participate in (and volunteer at) parkrun. Roding Valley parkrun starts next to our clubhouse at Roding Valley Recreation Ground. Parkrun is a timed 5km run at 9am each Saturday at numerous locations across the world. It’s an excellent way of getting in a run and measuring improvement.


Saturday is often also a day for cross-country or other races. See our fixture list for full details.

Sunday (9am)

Every Sunday a group meets at the Stubbles car park (junction of Nursery Road and Connaught Avenue in Loughton) for a run through beautiful Epping Forest to locations like High Beach, Yates Meadow, Pole Hill, Connaught Waters, Honey Lane Quarters, Loughton Camp, the Lost Pond and Great Monk Wood.


Time and distance depends on the group but typically we run for between 45 and 75 minutes.


Some of our younger members take part in junior parkrun (2km timed run) at 9am.

Coaches and leaders

Training sessions are led by qualified England Athletics coaches and run leaders. Qualifications held include:


  • Athletics Coach

  • Coach in Running Fitness

  • Assistant Coach

  • Run Leader

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