Membership subscriptions for 2024 are now due. All the information you need is here.
Select a button below to complete a renewal form and then pay your membership subscription. Completing the form ensures we have your up to date emergency details and contact preferences and your agreement to abide by the UK Athletics Code of Conduct.
We also offer social membership (£6) for people who can't train or compete and wish to support the club.
Membership income is essential to pay for coach training, clubhouse maintenance, the all-weather surface and to ensure you are insured for club activities.
Membership gives you access to:
Weekly club training sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Club runs through the forest on Sunday mornings
Free entry to Chingford League races in winter
Free entry to club hosted races such as the Ware Cup, club championships and midsummer relays
Free entry to Essex, Southern and National championship events and the Essex XC League (subject to eligibility, some events require EA affiliation)
Fun social events such as Christmas Lights runs and all-age strawberry and cream relays
Friendly advice and mutual support, whatever your standard
Extra benefits available to England Athletics affiliated members (see below)
When renewing your membership you can opt in to England Athletics affiliation. This is recommended for anyone who wants to compete in championship races, benefit from discounted entry to many commercial races and the Essex Grand Prix series, or see their performances appear on the Power of 10 or Run Britain rankings website. You can find further information on the England Athletics website.
Details of how to pay are included on the renewal form. We encourage payment by bank transfer as the club is charged transaction fees for card payments. However please use whichever method suits you best.
If you have any queries please contact any of the committee or coaching team.